Hiding in the back of the drawer

Look what I found in the back of a drawer… my first completed manuscript, finished circa 1996.


One agent (of many) rejected this by saying, “The title is quite clever. The rest is dreadful.”

Or something like that. He was probably right.

Flipped open to page 4 and read this, “It didn’t matter either way because she would never do it. Nope, she told herself. Jessica Fordham Thurston, professor of accounting, wasn’t that bold. In fact, she wasn’t bold at all. She had seen firsthand what those kinds of accusations had done to her parents’ marriage. And she had developed a deep fondness for things as they were, even if they were stagnant. Especially if they were stagnant.”

Ha. As Virginia (Slims) would say, “You’ve come a long way, baby.”

Holiday Preparations


The tree is up, the lights are strung, the elf is moving about (most days... okay, only when I remember.)

I'm checking off my list of things to buy (and adding more). Who’s buying for the cousins, the second cousins, the cousins-in-law? I guess I am!

I went out for a few things and promised myself that I wouldn’t buy wrapping paper and ribbon. Guess what I brought home…?

I wrapped a huge batch of presents only to realize (two days later) that I hadn’t labeled what they were and had to then unwrap them all. Which I tried to do neatly to reuse the paper. That was mostly a fail.

Now, we’re launching into the preparations-the house for the onslaught of guests and parties, the loosening of my belt in preparation for the endless supply of sugar cookies.

It's the most fabulous (and nuttiest) time of the year. And like every year, I think OMG, is it New Years yet?!

From my Montana family to you and yours, I wish you each a happy and safe holiday season.

Celebrating our soldiers...


Every year, around my birthday, I package up books to send to soldiers and veterans. A couple of books in each package, for as many packages as years I’ve been blessed to live freely in a country secured by these brave men and women.

This year, I sent almost 100 books. Can you guess how old I am?! Almost 100…not quite there yet. I may not always agree with the politics of war, but I ALWAYS support our troops.

If you’re interested in joining, go check out operationpaperback.org. Here I am with the last batch of books to mail


Find Your Rock

Having a strong, supportive partner is crucial to being able to create.

It’s a lonely job with all the odds stacked against us. 

Without someone to remind you that you CAN write the book in your head, that it MATTERS that you write it, that someone BELIEVES in you even on the days when you’re struggling. 


My podcast with Rose Quinn


So honored to be featured in the amazing Rose Quinn Podcast. Come check it out! 

 “Get to know Danielle Girard who is the USA Today and Amazon #1 bestselling author of thirteen novels, including Exhume, book 1 in the Dr. Schwartzman Series. She is a gemstone of a person and you’re gonna want to read all of her books after this interview. My favorite book of the week is The Gender Game by Bella Forrest and the Lit Chit Chat is about Active vs. Passive voice. Listen now on your FAV podcast directory.”

Click to listen…

Get to know Danielle Girard who is the USA Today and Amazon #1 bestselling author of thirteen novels, including Exhume, book 1 in the Dr. Schwartzman Series. She is a gemstone of a person and you're gonna want to read all of her books after this interview.

Library Visit, Orcas Island Style

My husband is always urging me to visit local libraries and bring books. It makes me so nervous to introduce myself to strangers and I’m even worse when I go to explain the writing and the books. I can feel the blood pulsing in my earlobes and my lips are suddenly dried out and stuck to my teeth. (Lovely, right??)

Visiting a little library on Orcas Island


But every library I’ve ever been to has been so inviting and my experience has proven over and over that libraries are gracious and kind… and grateful. 

So, with much prodding (and the promise of wine afterward), I keep going.

Our fantastic 25th anniversary getaway (rescheduled after hubby’s collarbone break). Grateful we had this time together. Thank you, orca island, for such a lovely stay. 

Clearing my head to start a new book...

Supposed to be 7 degrees in a few days. Glad to get out with these girls before the freeze…

I was talking to a writer friend (the very talented J.T. Ellison) the other day and we were commiserating over the struggles of beginning a new book.

I’m about 5k words into my new project and, at this stage, every word feels a bit like yanking on a tooth. There is something about movement (walking in particular) that really helps a story idea gel. I’ve been turning this new idea in my head and walking a lot lately.

Getting outside with my girls helped clear my head a bit. Now I’m heading to the office to dig back in.
