suspense author

Writing retreat

I snuck back east (after testing and quarantining) to spend a week with 2 wonderful writer friends. We worked long days, took breaks walking along the beach (a special treat for a Montana writer), and spent the evenings, drinking wine and eating take out food, talking about the day’s work. Writing is a solitary business but when you can do it in the company of other writers, it’s such a lovely change.

Giving back

Like many of us, I’ve been deeply impressed by the medical community’s efforts during the pandemic and while I write from the point of view of a medical doctor, I’m certainly not one myself. (I veered off the course of medical school early on to try to be a writer.) But, I have recently become a volunteer at our local hospital and it feels really good to be involved in some small way.

Looking back at 50. Was I born this way?

I was not a kid who read a ton though I spent a lot of time in my own head. An old family friend sent me this picture which she said was taken when I was around 11.

Do I look like a writer? Did I know then what dark halls my mind would lead me down?